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ETRAP 2021

7th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection

23-26 March 2021

Online conference organised by the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN), in cooperation with the EUTERP Foundation, IRPA and IAEA.

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Organisation & themes

    • Michèle Coeck (SCK CEN), chair
    • Hielke Freerk Boersma (RUG)
    • Arjo Bunskoeke (RUG)
    • Joanne Stewart (EUTERP)
    • Eduardo Gallego (Polytechnical University Madrid & IRPA)
    • Marie Claire Cantone (IRPA)
    • Sylvain Andresz (IRPA-YG)
    • Andrea Luciani (IAEA)
    • Barbara Godthelp (HERCA)
    • Heleen van Elsäcker-Degenaar (NVS)
    • Pascal Froment (BVS)
    • Jan-Willem Vahlbruch (Leibniz University)
    • Paul Livolsi (CEA-INSTN)
    • Daniele Giuffrida (FANR)
    • Adriaan Lammertsma (EFOMP)
  • Training online

    Online teaching is the new normal nowadays. Trainers and trainees had to switch very quickly to a virtual class room. What is working, what is not? During this conference we are looking forward to sharing best practices.


    New didactic methods and methodologies

    What are the new didactic methods and methodologies to use in online training? Special attention will be given to the challenges with regard to practical exercises.


    Legal requirements

    Can online alternatives fulfill the legal requirements? Can competence building be established via online education and training and how to assess the learning outcomes?


    Assessment online

    Teaching online is one thing, assessing the knowledge delta and the obtained competences in another.


    Attracting a new generation

    Is there an augmented use of social media and what is organized online for professionals and students to attract a new generation? Which formats tease them? ETRAP 2021 will look forward to the best future approaches.

Presentations, videos and posters

  • Session 1: Training online - (Chairperson: Joanne Stewart)

    Introductory note: Impact of COVID-19 on radiation protection training: initial perceptions

    Joanne Stewart, EUTERP (slides - video)

    Comparing the effectiveness of face-to-face learning and e-learning modules in radiation protection

    Lisanne Van Puyvelde, SCK CEN, Belgium (slides - video)

    Lessons learned: the Paul Scherrer Institute’s Training Center’s transition to online-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Maya Keller, PSI, Switzerland (slides)

    On-line radiation protection training at a research reactor

    Sheldon Landsberger, University of Texas, USA (slides - video)

    Education and training in radiation protection in a virtual setting: challenges and opportunities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic

    Csilla Pesznyak, University of Budapest, Hungary (slides - video)

  • Session 2: New didactic methods and methodologies -(Chairperson: Jan-Willem Vahlbruch)

    Keynote presentation: Approaches to practical exercises in the virtual laboratory

    Clemens Walther, University of Hannover, Germany (slides - video)

    A virtual radionuclide laboratory

    Vivien Pottgießer, University of Hannover, Germany (slides - video)

    The “Train the future trainers” program, a way to include soft and technical skills in a blended learning program

    Isabelle Gerardy, HE2B-ISIB, Belgium (slides - video)

    A cross-checked database of resources, online demos and virtual labs for radiation protection training

    Francesco d’Errico, University of Pisa, Italy (slides - video)

  • Session 3: Legal requirements - (Chairperson: Andrea Luciani)

    Keynote presentation: Education and training legal requirements: can they be met in COVID-19-times?

    Barbara Godthelp, HERCA (slides - video)

    Advance in digital learning at KTE: a field report

    Lars Hegenbart, Kerntechnische Entsorgung Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany (slides - video)

    Training in radiation protection required by legislation: approach during the COVID-19 crisis and practical implementation

    An Fremout, Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium (slides - video)

    Session 4: Online assessment - (Chairperson: Daniele Giuffrida)

    Setting the scene: Assessing competencies and how to do that online

    Wim Meerholz, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (slides - video)

  • Session 5: Looking forward - (Chairperson: Sylvain Andresz)

    Keynote presentation: How our brains learn: tips for (online) teaching

    Danielle Dobbe, LRCB (Dutch Expert Centre for Screening), The Netherlands (slides - video)

    Social media and young generation in radiation protection (IRPA-YGN): usages and perspectives

    Sylvain Andresz, CEPN, France (slides - video)

    Radiomon: isotopes, radiation and nuclear technologies in a new game for the i-Generation

    Fabio Nouchy, Tractebel ENGIE, Belgium (slides - video)

    • Online teaching of a basic radiation protection course for future engineers

      Eduardo Gallego, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain (poster - video)
    • Transformation of face-to-face education into virtual: experience of Argentina

      Lucía Valentino, Sociedad Argentina de Radioprotección, Argentina (poster - video)
    • The impact of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in the provision of training on radiation protection and safety to Radiation Protection Officers (RPOs)

      Sotiris Economides, Greek Atomic Energy Commission, Greece (poster - video)
    • A remote radiation protection training initiative in the UK

      Sarah Hunak, CMS-I Jacobs, UK (poster - video)
    • Curriculum development in times of a pandemic

      Tom Clarijs, SCK CEN, Belgium (poster - video)
    • First experience in the virtualization radiation protection training at hospital level

      Carlos Prieto, Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Spain (poster)
    • Radiation safety culture in the HERT sectors

      Gwen Mott, CLEAPSS, UK (poster - video)
    • Development and practice of a virtual nuclear simulator in radiation protection training

      Sonja Schreurs, University of Hasselt, Belgium (poster - video)
    • Online laboratory works for PGEC

      Andrey Timoshchenko, Belarusian State University, Belarus (poster - video)
    • Biological dosimetry training using a web-based facility

      Omar García, Centro de Protección e Higiene de las Radiaciones, Cuba (poster - video)
    • An online summer school in anatomy and physiology for radiation protection and medical physics students

      Carmel J. Caruana, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta, Malta (poster - video)
    • A new attractive model for attracting physics students to radiation protection and medical physics

      Carmel J. Caruana, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta, Malta (poster - video)
    • Design and use of tools for education and training in medicine with ionizing radiations and related transport operations of radioactive material

      Zayda Amador Balbona, Centre of Isotopes, Cuba (poster)
    • Detektory Dla Szkół: a pilot detector-lend project for Polish schools

      Katarzyna Deja, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland (poster - video)
    • Medical physics and radiation protection skills training through undergraduate final degree thesis

      Sandra Oliver, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (poster - video)
    • Information for patients and carers involved in medical exposures

      Carlos Prieto, Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Spain (poster - video)
    • Effectiveness of possible distant radiation protection training and compliance with the Slovenian legislation

      Matjaz Koželj, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia (poster - video)
    • Challenges due to COVID-19 restrictions in implementing the national legislative framework for the recognition of Radiation Protection Experts (RPEs) and Medical Physics Experts (MPEs)

      Sotiris Economides, Greek Atomic Energy Commission, Greece (poster)
    • Teaching the teachers: a series of interactive teaching-themed workshops for healthcare and radiation protection experts (RPEs)

      Danielle Dobbe, LRCB (Dutch Expert Centre for Screening), The Netherlands (poster - video)
    • ENEN+: attracting, developing and retaining new talents to careers in the nuclear fields

      Csilla Pesznyak, Budapest University (poster)
  • Links that were used in session 2 related to “New didactic methods and methodologies”:

    Interactive screen experiments:

    Virtual radionuclide lab:

    EXIT-Games (see additional information at the end of the presentation of Prof. C. Walther):

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